

高精度数控立式磨床 五轴联动数控加工中心 YGK系列数控端齿磨床 数控外圆磨床

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首页 > 供应产品 > 质量好数控端齿磨床厂家
产品: 浏览次数:0质量好数控端齿磨床厂家 
品牌: 广宇大成数控机床
单价: 888888.00元/套
最小起订量: 1 套
供货总量: 10000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-07-20
 YGK78系列机床采用西门子数控系统及交流伺服驱动,四轴控制两轴联动。机床采用立式部局, 滑板在栋梁上横向移动(X轴),广宇大成数控机床___质量好数控端齿磨床厂家
,两个立磨头可分别在滑板上做上、下进给运动(Z1、Z2轴)。三个直线 坐标轴均装有海德汉光栅尺作为全闭环反馈。床身上装有高精度数控回转工作台可实现工件的分度 定位。转台内装有海德汉圆光栅作为全闭环反馈。转台的左侧安装金刚石碟片修整器,X 轴可分别 同Z1或Z2轴实现两轴联动,广宇大成数控机床___质量好数控端齿磨床厂家
,通过插补运动对砂轮进行齿形修整,加工时对工件进行成型切入磨削。 左、右两个立磨头可分别加工凸齿、凹齿、倒角等工序。 YGK78 series machine tools has been vertical layout.Two grinding spindles independently move up or down(Z1&Z2 axes)on the carriage,which could make horizontal movement on the crossbeam(X axes).Three line axes(Z1,Z2 and X)equipped with Heidenhain grating scales,carry out close-loop control.There has two grinding spindles,so as to grinding convex and concave teeth(on the coupling),respectively.The work piece is set up on a precision rotary table,which is supported on a hydrodynamic-static pressure bearing,directly driven,and equipped with Heidenhain encoder,for precision indexing. 机床配有我公司针对弧齿磨削工艺而开发的专用软件,可实现参数化编程。机床配备两套程序:齿形设计程序和加工程序。用户可根据自己现有的齿形参 数和工艺参数通过图形化界面输入数控系统,实现对工件的加工。 The grinding machine has accompanied with a special software,consist of design program and process program.The former makes use of verify or correct a work piece design;and the latter makes good use of parameter and graph,to writ process program,then input to machine’s CNC system,to accomplish the process of the work plece. YGK系列机床是我公司新产品,已被列为北京市科委2012年的科研课题,课题号为D121100002612001。YGK78系列机床专门用于端面弧齿磨削加工。 YGK78 series machine tools is a new product for our company.And it’s a research project for Beijing science and technology committee,in 2012,the project number is D121100002612001. YGK78 series machine tools is a specialized grinder,for grinding the comvex and concave teeth of end coupling. 机床主要用途 Application For The Grinder YGK78 系列机床可应用于航空、航天、造船、机床等领域。端面弧齿盘由一对相互啮合的端面凸齿盘和端面凹齿盘组成。凸齿盘端面 上分布的轮齿齿形是凸形弧齿,北京广宇大成数控机床有限公司,广宇大成数控机床,凹齿盘上端面颁的轮齿齿形是凹形弧齿,两齿盘通过端齿啮合的连接形式构成联轴器,实现两个回转轴之 间的动力和运动传递。端面弧齿联轴器已被广泛应用于涡轮发动机传动主轴组装和固定各级涡轮转爿子,船用发动机上大型组装曲轴的端面 连接和固定等场合。 YGK78 series machine tools will play an important role in the field of aviation,astronavigation,shipbuilding,machine tools building and so on. A curvic coupling consist of two disks,one disk with a partial convex conical teeth,and a disk with a partial concave conical teeth.For it applicationk,the first,let the two disks join up with two parts respectively,then join the two disks together.Because there are many(equal the teeth number of the disk)partial conical joint,the two parts coupled join together very strongly.Curvic coupling work reliably,transmits big torque.lIn heavy assemble,as heavy turbo-rotor and heavy crankshaft,get wide application. 由于端面弧齿盘具有高刚彐性,自动定心和分度定位精度高的优点,还被广泛应用在旋转分度机构上。如机床附件等分回转转台,以及 对回转分度零部件的检测仪器上等等。 Curvic coupling has high join rigidity,self-concentric,high index precision.In precision machine

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